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About This Site

This site is meant to be a community resource for alterhumans. You can use this site no matter who you are, however we ask that TransID, Endogenic Systems, Proshippers, and supporters of such things do NOT contact us or anyone affiliated with this site.
This site was created by Spiritsys, an autistic system who has a lot of alters who are alterhuman. The site was started on August 10th, 2024, and the first complete version went live on (TBD).

How To Use This Site

IMPORTANT NOTE: This site is best viewed with landscape displays, and has not been tested on mobile. Elements may be broken or otherwise unusable on a mobile device.

This site has a navigation menu at the top. The main parts of the site are the Home, Contact, and Dictionary pages. Other pages may be added at some point, and this section will be updated accordingly.
The Dictionary page includes scrollable boxes of text for each section. Please remember that we are a beginner coder, so the UI of these scrollboxes will probably change.

Site Aesthetic

Okay, I included this section for everyone who wants to emulate this site's aesthetic or just figure out what the heck it is.
This site's look is based on the Frutiger Aero aesthetic. If you were born in the 90's to 2000's, you have seen this aesthetic. Think of the Windows or Mac version of your childhood. It has a lot to do with that. If you were born early enough to have experienced Y2K, think of how people back then expected the future to look.
Yeah. I personally love this aesthetic and other early web aesthetics. A bit nostalgia, a bit of respect for "the old times". I decided to use it for this site because A: My other option was scene and B: I wanted this site to still be able to be looked at by photosensitive people.